Faith in Foxholes
Faith in Foxholes - Song Life (Official Music Video)
Faith in Foxholes - Song Life (Official Music Video) image

Faith in Foxholes - Song Life (Official Music Video)

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Track 2 from the Blue E.P.
Video description: A man wakes up, takes a shower, eats breakfast, plays video games, drives, climbs at an indoor gym, and plays the piano all while a skeleton looms over him.
I keep my appetite I sleep so well at night
The plight of sleight of hand is mighty white light
I got no spite dear although you might hear
A fight bite appear as a souvenir
Sometimes I mean it, the cruel things I’m thinking
Sometimes I keep it quiet don’t speak it
I shy from sunlight and ultravi-light
With skin like mine you find time to hide your face
I’ve got my own right I live the song life
I can’t be bothered by that when there’s bass
I don’t even know if I’ll sing another song get it right or get it wrong but I know I belong to you
Don’t you even know can’t you even see all the signs of life they’re not just make believe
Gather up your thoughts, gather up your things spread across the stars the distant galaxies
#IndieMusic #NewMusicMonday #IndieArtist #UnsignedArtist #MusicVideo #NewMexicoTrue #NowPlaying #Skeleton #Bouldering #Baggage #TraumaRecovery