Faith in Foxholes
Faith in Foxholes- Paramount (Official Music Video)
Faith in Foxholes- Paramount (Official Music Video) image

Faith in Foxholes- Paramount (Official Music Video)

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Track 1 from the Blue E.P.
Video description: Different shots of the same man in different suits with different instruments walking towards the camera and singing.
Despite all of my brazen lyrics you fell for me
We were like a thousand miles apart for weeks
Remember El Paso your skin it warmed its streets
Your selfless passion it claimed my heart for keeps
Come on down come on down
In ties and wedding gowns
Sweet words sweet sounds
Are simply paramount
Come on down come on down
Don’t you know that everything will be fine, everything will be just fine
I’ve got no jitters got no qualms
No fretting nerves or sweating palms
The sun is shining where I see
While clouds surround you and me
I’ve got no jitters Got no nerves
I got no heart ache Or concerns
I’m not shaky I’m not taut
I’m not stressed Or overthought
Patient singing all my complaints about devotion
singing out jokes about fish in the ocean
All the lonely songs and the stories I wrote
Filling up the black and white and purple and gold
Now I write what it’s like to become old
and all the things I wanna say oh I have waited for this day
You are simply paramount
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