Faith in Foxholes
Faith in Foxholes - Love is like (Official Music Video)
Faith in Foxholes - Love is like (Official Music Video) image

Faith in Foxholes - Love is like (Official Music Video)

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Track 3 from the Blue E.P.
Video description: A man in a white suit and black hat opens birthday presents at a table with balloons and cake. The presents are anatomically correct organs.
If I had a dream for all the pretty girls I’ve seen in love
I’d get no sleep but I wouldn’t lie awake at all
I’d be dancing with you outside a shop or two in France
I’d be flying with her through the clouds through the distant lands
Cause love is like a breeze
Swimming through trees
Swimming through the vagueness of my dreams
Love is like a heartbeat heard under the ocean
Love is like a bird that never flies home
Love is like a sunbeam warm from sweet emotion
Love is like a friend when you thought you were alone
Love is like Oh
And If I made a face for every kiss and warm embrace from you
You’d see my pearly whites from the smile I wear through and through
I was falling in love in a deep blue aquarium
I was stealing my kisses in the darkness of underground
#IndieMusic #NewMusicMonday #IndieArtist #UnsignedArtist #MusicVideo #NewMexicoTrue #NowPlaying #HappyBirthday #Organs